In the Dolphins level, children are grouped by age categories and placed in skill-appropriate levels, and the student-to-instructor ratio is [3:1].
Level 1
This class focuses on teaching children basic water safety and introduces them to the fundamentals of the front crawl with rollovers. Skills include kicking with a kickboard, back floating, and elementary backstroke.
Level 2
Children in this level continue practicing basic front crawl with rollovers, gradually moving towards swimming longer distances without instructor assistance. Other skills acquired include unassisted kicking on the back and streamlining.
Level 3
In this level, children are introduced to side breathing and taught the complete front crawl. Proper backstroke techniques are also introduced, and both strokes are practiced to enhance endurance. Kids develop good stamina and learn how to tread water.
Level 4
Students continue to refine their front crawl and backstroke, swimming longer distances. Breaststroke and various techniques to build endurance are introduced at this level.
Level 5
Designed for students proficient in correct front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke, this level prepares them for the butterfly stroke. Continuous laps, flip turns, and more advanced skills are introduced, preparing students for a more competitive swimming environment.
When that goal is reached, the child can progress to Sharks. It's an exciting step in their swimming journey!
Click on the levels below to learn more about Five Star Swim School's swim levels.